About Getting Featured


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

IN OTHER NEWS: Today I sent in an application for a graphic design internship WITH PAY. Yes, it's amazing, and exactly what I've been looking for. Cross your fingers that I get it!

Yes, I am indeed going to do features. I had, like, 7 or more people say they were interested, which makes me happy. It really does...

Anyways, here's how features will work.

I will first ask for people who want to be featured, and then will go back and pick up people who I feel deserve to be featured. There will be no hiding from me. I know who you all are...

If you are selected to be featured, send an email to alexaliteration@gmail.com with the following information:
  1. A name of some sort. There will be no anonymity on MY blog.
  2. A short bio of some sort, around 100 words or so. This will come after whatever your feature is.
  3. Your feature. It can be anything writing- or art- or both-wise. Please only 2 poems, 3 pictures, or one short story, simply for brevity.
  4. An optional explanation of each piece, similar to my introductions. Explain your muse, inspiration, or hidden meaning if you like. Exception: I will not include disclaimers. We don't want to hear about every little flaw your work has. Let us figure them out ourselves. Maybe we'll miss them.
Features, at least for now, will be posted every other Thursday, starting next week. If you're interested, lines are open now. Email-lines. I dunno. I felt like saying that. c:

And I'll actually post some poetry or prose next week, I swear. Maybe on Saturday, even.

1 Poetry Snaps:

EAL said...

Good luck with the internship!!

I can't wait to see all the lovely work you're going to feature. :3

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