Some Poems and a Promise


Thursday, April 28, 2011

This is my first-ever blog entry! Yay!

I made a promise to myself today. I noticed (although it wasn't really hard to see) that the only things I write these days are sad girl poetry, or poetry about things dying... especially, um, birds dying.

I dunno. I guess I have a bit of a fixation on birds and dying. o3o Maybe. Well, no, not maybe, because in all (3) of the things I'm getting published in the lit mag, a bird dies. Or is strangled. Or gets crushed.

I guess that is an obsession.

But anyways, I made a deal with myself that I have to write two happy poems for every sad poem I write. This means I'll be writing 3 times as much poetry as usual. I think this is good. Healthy, even.

So here is a sad poem, and a happy poem to counteract it. The other one isn't quite ready yet, as I just wrote it today. :)


I realized too late as I stood in the wings
Of the stage in front of a ravenous crowd
That I was not like them,
So I put on a mask,
A grin so disfigured, grotesque and plastic as to not appear human.
From the back of the opera house I looked just the same
As the actors who acted with cheeks rouged and teeth white
As tombstones.

The pearly beads fell--
Like tears from my eyes--
As I danced and leaped to thunderclaps of applause,
A soloist wanting nothing more, nothing more
Than to blend in the background--
And disappear.

The glitter went flying with sweat and my tears
Until nothing was left but the paper maiche,
Broken and battered and just barely hiding
My face,
All tear-streaked and desperate and brutally bruised, see.
They used me, confused me to play on this stage,
Dancing and prancing and aching and shaking
Until I collapse in the skinburning spotlight.
Now they shall see me for just what I am,
And all alone.
The Robin

Leaves twigprints in the morningmud,
Hopalongs a while in early light,
Onetwo-onetwo quickly steps,
Casts a glance leftright leftright.

Calls quietly, cracks dawn air,
Looks a beady eye my way,
Listens a while, answers, chirps,
Openwings and flyaways.

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